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About Salty Popcorn

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The website was founded by Robert Hyde and launched in 2004, it has grown into one of the top websites reporting on the UK and US weekend box office figures.

It was decided in 2020 to launch Salty Popcorn as a companion site to giving a much wider reach, with the new site came a members area where you can follow fellow movie fans and track to box office progress of movies by "following" them.

Why Salty Popcorn? We love to munch on popcorn at the cinema while watching movies, and lets face it salty popcorn is the best! Let us know if you disagree?

The original website

Our aim is to give an informative website that is not driven purely by advertising and doesn't have a large corporation trying to get your data and your money, we are independent, but we do have adverts as we need to pay for stuff! They are kept to a minimum.

Our inspiration? Looking at film websites in the early days of the internet we identified a gap for a movie database that was focused on the movies themselves and what people think of them.

The inspiration came from sites like the original late '90's/early 2000's (before Amazon bought them basically), (also now owned by Amazon), and, there is a drive to give the movie fan a chance to enjoy rich content and contribute themselves, and there is an obsession with movies box office figures!

Nearly 20 years later and the website is still alive and well despite going through many changes, there is movie news along with weekly reports on the UK, US and combined global box office performance alongside the members area where you can enjoy even more rich content on movies.

The real key to the websites susccess is knowing what you think, hearing your views and striking up debates about movies, good and bad!